Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Im going to try blogging a different way. If anyone else has suggestions let me know. PLEASE! I have always blogged right from Picasa for several reasons:
1. I can alter my photo and post it altered
2. Its so easy.
3. I can crop/color/change things on Picasa
For whatever reason there is a setting that must be wrong for it to be reading my picture from my computer rather than a web address. (this info came very helpful Mommy! Thanks)
If this post has an 'x' would you please let me know! Because from my computer, they show up just fine. I am posting this picture (of Blair and I on a swinging bridge) via the "post" option and not Picasa.


Donette said...

Pictures show up fine from my end. I wish I could give you some tips, but I am rather deficient when it comes to these things. I have really enjoyed the pictures, though, and will be checking out the online album as soon as I get a free minute!

Jodi said...

Both pictures you posted today show up fine. Most definitely it is a problem w/Picasa.