1776 takes place over about 18 months. Summer of 1775 to the winter of 1776 and early 1777. King George III isn't happy about the rebellion going on in the Colonies. You know the story. He sends some of the mighty English Navy over to help put down the rebellion. George Washington, wealthy slave-holder and plantation owner, leads the Continental Army to the formation of our land today.
So far it's been quite interesting in so much that it takes you into the not-so-well-known men of the time period and the foundations each one laid and the importance they played in the shaping and forming of The United States of America. Men like Nathaniel Greene and Henry Knox.
The Continental Congress is fascinating to me. It has frustrated me a little reading more in depth than a short history snippet of 3 pages covering this time period. This takes a big thick book to cover 18 months of our history. The frustration in reading all that was fought for and it seems we have ended right back where we started. People; People sick and tired of being puppets of the government. Sick of high taxation. Taxation w/o representation. Hmmmmm...now there is a thought. But....we are so well represented in Congress. NOT.
Anyway, for any history lover, it's been an excellent read so far and I'm not quite 1/2 way through. Gives me an appreciation for our military and a reminder to pray for those in leadership over us. A position I would never covet. What an awesome task leading a country must be. Reading the personal agonies and thoughts these men wrestled with is beyond anything I can imagine.
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